Meditation And Golf

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Mindful meditation is at its core the practice of being aware of the present moment, basically being at Point A.

Many golfers believe that meditation is a game changer and worth pursuing… Is it, or is it just the kind of thing you do to make yourself feel better?

Science has been exploring meditation for years, and Dawson Church’s newest book Mind To Matter, provides some pretty good evidence that meditation just possibly could be a game changer!!

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So, what is meditation and how could it help you?

Mindful meditation is at its core the practice of being aware of the present moment, basically being at Point A.

Meditation allows us to disconnect from past or future thoughts that trigger stress, which can obviously lead to a more relaxed and enjoyable game of golf!

In mindful meditation we use breathing as an important part of focusing our minds on the here and now… It makes us concentrate on the rhythm and sensation of our most basic life force, breathing.

Even in adults, the brain is malleable and adaptable, and scientific research has shown how the brain can physically change due to meditation. In fact, just in the process of living, your brain is changing and making new connections all the time.

New synapses develop and connect with each other, and just like the muscles in your body, the more you exercise your synapses, the more they grow and interconnect with each other.

As you think, your brain is constantly rewiring itself, and whatever you’re thinking about you will be making new and stronger connections in that area. Thus, where you choose to put your mind will create your brain!

When you choose to meditate you have the opportunity to change your brain in some very positive ways..

Meditation and what it can do for you and your game

If you were you were to meditate for just 15 minutes a day, over a 2 week period, you’d notice a significant change in your thinking. In 8 weeks, those changes will have had grown even stronger and more permanent.

One of the major changes you’ll notice is related to gaining emotional control. In fact, studies have shown that the part of the brain that regulates emotions actually grew an average of 22.8% with meditation -- That’s an astonishing amount.

You will still inevitably face challenges on the golf course (and in life) that will trigger an emotional reaction… Things like water holes, long carries, and short putts, but with better emotional control, you’ll be able to deal with those stressful moments better.

By simply taking a deep breath and not allowing your nerves to debilitate you while you’re contemplating a difficult shot, you can get back to Point A without beating yourself up or feeling desperate.

You never know what will happen during your round, but if you have more control over your emotions, you’ll be able to maker clearer decisions, and ultimately be more coordinated and consistent with your golf stroke.

When you watch professional golfers on TV, you no doubt find yourself wondering how they stay so calm in extremely stressful situations.

They seem to have complete control over their emotions, and it clearly makes a difference in their game, which proves that training is not only physical, clearly there is an emotional aspect to it as well.

When you meditate, the brain actually becomes more relaxed and more efficient, which means it performs better while demanding less energy.

Dawson Church reported that you may still notices stress, but will not get sucked into or debilitated by it. He felt meditation allows you to handle challenges better.

Just like the professionals, mindfulness can have a big impact on your golf game, and your life.

Imagine for a moment how much more fun and rewarding golf (and life) would be if your brain were trained to handle challenges without creating unnecessary anxiety or stress…

Meditation may not get you on the Tour, but it will give you greater resilience in the face of adversity, more sympathy for others, and increased compassion for yourself.

On the course, that means you’ll be less likely to have your game de-railed by common challenges like:

In short, Meditation and mindfulness can help you stay at Point A, becoming the master of your emotions, rather than a slave to them.

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